
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Human Transportation and more!

 This week we focused on the most basic way of transportation: oneself.  We brainstormed multiple ways humans can transport themselves just by using their own power and energy.  We talked about how infants transport themselves when they want something.  Some students that have younger siblings or cousins made personal connections by saying their brother/sister crawls to get a toy.  They also made the connection that even if an infant can’t walk they can be transported by an adult carrying them.  We made a list of ways humans transport themselves, and the list consisted of but not limited to: walking, crawling, jumping, running, skipping, etc...  We also began talking about what it would be like to not have any equipment to help us move things.  Students were intrigued by wondering what people used to do when there were no wheels to transport large items that could not be carried.  We made a list of ways people could transport things without help of “technology.”  They came up with the ideas of pushing, pulling, and carrying being the three most effective ways to transport things without the help.  Of course we then needed to test our thoughts!  

We came up with a simple document in order for the students to record their observations and data.  As you can see we tested several objects like a box of crayons, an easel, a chair, a beanbag chair, as well as a few other objects.  In order to get an accurate answer, we tested each object.  The students thought it was very silly to even try to push or pull a box of crayons.  But, when it came to the table, they realized some things are just too big or heavy to carry and pushing or pulling might be the best rout.  

Here are some photos of the students testing out pushing, pulling, and carrying

 different classroom objects.  


The students have continued to work on the "Train Station Hotel."  
Everyday new elements are added while other elements are edited.

Many have also been building airplanes and other sources of transportation.

Other Exciting News...  
Two weeks ago, two of our students came running to me telling me a "BIG branch" had fallen from the tree just outside the playground fence.  They took me to the spot and asked if we could bring it into the classroom.  I waited for a day when it wasn't horribly cold, and no snow on the ground to rescue the fallen branch.  Once myself and two students got to the branch we realized it was far too big for our classroom.  We had to break several branches and it still took three of us to carry it into the building.  As soon as we brought it into the classroom the students couldn't help but grab the magnafying glasses and explore the "camoflauge" branch.  We are still not certain how we are going to use this beautiful element of nature in our classroom but we will brainstorm together and I'm sure we will come up with something beautiful!  

I will be certain to share how this "BIG branch" will inspire us.  

This week we also earned the last of our buckeyes.  The studnets had many great ideas on how to celebrate but they choose to have a few extra minutes in the ipad lab.  They enjoyed their time!

I hope your weekend was wonderful!  
As always, I look forward to sharing next weeks adventures, discoveries and much more! 
Mrs. Julie Atkin 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Intro to Transportation... Part 2

We took another week to introduce transportation.  Last week we came up with the definition of transportation as well as writing it interactively.  "The movement of people, animals, or goods from one location to another."  This week we continued to break the definition into parts to get a really good feel of what the word actually means.  Last week we looked at how people can be moved from one location to another.  You saw photos from the last post.  This week we looked at the ways animals move from one location to another as well as how goods are transported/moved from one location to another.

This week the students also took breaks throughout the day to help me share our work on our bulletin board.  We first posted the definition of "transportation" and added the illustrations of things that move people from one location to another.

Then we posted illustrations of ways animals move from one location to another.

We then posted how goods are transported or moved from one location to another.

Lastly we realized we needed to add the word transportation on the boards so everyone knew what the definition and illustrations were defining.  The students came up with the idea to make the letters out of things that help people, animals, or goods being transported from one location to another.  
Check out their ideas.

Also, this week during free choice, the students began making a "Train Station Hotel".  Word is that they want to name it "The Kindergarten Station".  
We left it standing so the students can continue adding to their station.

Signs were made to label different parts of the "Train Station Hotel".

You might notice the train and it's passengers!

I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend and for those of you that have tomorrow off, enjoy your three day weekend.  Take care and I look forward to sharing more next week!
Mrs. Julie Atkin

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Introduction to Transportation

 Ever since we started the school year I have noticed the students becoming excited with things that move.  When the students shared their treasure blocks a lot - and I mean A LOT - of them included some form of transportation.  Their treasure blocks had everything from trains, race cars and monster trucks, to bikes.  Before our holiday break I asked the students what they wanted to learn about when we returned from break.  Not to my surprise, they wanted to know how cars move and how they are built, why trains run on a track and much more that pertained to transportation.  

This week we began at the foundation and actually learning what the word "transportation" means.  We read a couple books and looked at a couple websites to come up with a definition. "Transportation is the movement of people, animals or goods from one place to another."  Once we had  a definition we started to break it apart to understand it better.  So, we then started making a list of things that move people from one place to another.  We came up with some of the following:  boats, passenger trains, zip lines, subway trains, roller coasters, buses, elevators, escalators, hot air balloons, air planes, space shuttles, automobile, emergency vehicles, and things that move one person (bikes, scooters, skates snowboard etc...).   We talked about each type of transportation that moves people, or a person from one location to another.  Here are some photos of our Promethean board "transportation" flip chart. 

 Later, each child picked a different form of transportation that moves people from one place to another.  Here are some of their illustrations.


 tow trucks

 school bus

 hot air balloon

 roller coaster


 cruise ship

 baby stroller

We will continue this study for a very long time.  The students are thrilled and I think they are going to thoroughly enjoy learning about all different modes of transportation.   I look forward to sharing more of our discoveries and experiences with you as our study becomes more in depth.  
Take care and have a beautiful week. 

Mrs. Julie Atkin