
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Africa Continued, Health Fair, and Spring Sing

We had a very busy week in Kindergarten! We spent more time on our Africa Study, we visited the Health Fair, and we had Spring Sing! We are almost ready for our Africa Open House, which is this coming Friday! The students have been working hard researching and building their knowledge about the Country they have chosen. They have also been busy creating some of their own African necklaces, drums, and rain sticks. We can't wait to share all of our leaning with you!

The Kettering Medical College students came to our school and put on a Health Fair for us. They shared wonderful information about eating healthy, not talking to strangers, dental health, germs, pretty poisons, and first aid. The students had a wonderful time and learned a lot!

The Spring Sing was also this past week. We had a wonderful turn out and they all did an amazing job!

Thanks for checking in this week! Be sure to stop back next week and see how our Africa Open House turns out! Enjoy your week!
Miss Jessica Hannigan

Sunday, May 18, 2014

African Projects

This past week has been full of all things Africa. We have been learning all about their culture and how it is different than ours. They were really excited about their jewelry and their musical instruments. Since that's what they were excited about we made necklaces and drums this week! We also finished our map of Africa and now it just needs some labels.

 We began creating necklaces this past week. After doing some research we learned that they use a lot of colorful beads to create their jewelry. We used beads as well as colorful packing peanuts to create our necklaces. 

 Using Styrofoam cups we glued 2 cups together and taped the top to create a drum. Then the students were able to decorate their African drums. 

We had a great week getting more of our African study done! Check back next week to see what we are learning and creating! Enjoy your week!
Miss Jessica Hannigan

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Africa, High School Visit, and Gardening!

This past week we have been working on creating a map of Africa for our hallway. We were also visited by some High School students and they shared how important and fun reading can be and each student was given a book. We were able to spend some time outside in our garden as well. It was a very busy week in Kindergarten!

We have been continuing our study of Cameroon and Tanzania and this week we learned about a couple of tribes native to these countries and how they build their homes and what types of clothing they wear as well as what languages they speak. In learning about these countries our students have decided they wanted to create a map for the hallway showing Africa and showing the two countries we have chosen to study.  This is what they have completed so far! They have got a great start on the deserts and have completed Madagascar. 

The High School students that came to visit read the students a story, "Oh, The Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss and the students were able to ask them all kinds of questions about the story and about themselves. Then they had the students write and draw about where they would like to go. They had a great time visiting with the High School students and were so excited to receive a book of their own.

This year our friends decided to plant Sweet Peppers, Onions, and Lettuce. We spent some time digging up our garden and adding in some new soil. Then we were able to plant our seeds! We can't wait to see our garden grow.

Thanks for stopping by this week! Check back next week and see what we are learning! 
Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful mothers!
Enjoy your week!
Miss Jessica Hannigan