
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Field Day

Field Day was last Friday and we had so much fun. The students were able to participate in 8 different activities! We had so much fun cheering each other on!

Relay Races

Balloon Paddle Toss

Musical Hula Hoops 

Pom Pom Challenge

Dance Party

Bean Bag Toss

Class Pictures

We all had a wonderful time at field day! Thank you to all the volunteers and staff for putting on an amazing field day!
Enjoy your week!
Miss Jessica Hannigan

Africa Open House

This past week we spent a lot of time preparing for our Africa Open House. We finished our rain sticks, built our huts, and finished our poems. The students have really learned a lot and were very excited to share their learning with you all.

We had a great turnout at the open house! The students all had a wonderful time. 
On a different topic, we are so excited that Mrs. Atkin is coming back this week, although we will miss Ms. Kesselring. We have all missed her so much! 
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Miss Jessica Hannigan