
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Celebrating Poetry, maps, and planting a garden

We had yet another very busy week in kindergarten.  Every morning when we start our day, I go through our events with the students. The students now say: "Let us guess,  we have another BUSY day, right?"  They are ALWAYS correct.  Our days are packed and we use every moment!  

As you all know, we celebrated national poetry month in April by writing poetry and inviting families to a Poetry Cafe.  The students spent the month of April writing several types of poems.  The list includes, but is not limited to: list poems, the five senses poems, place poems, and concrete poems.  Monday, the children also made sun tea for their audience and wrote invitations.  

We practiced our poems by reading them to friends, and also reading them in front of the class.  Tuesday we had a dress rehearsal in front of Mrs. Gore's friends.  We also all dressed in our "fancy" attire for this very important day.   

Below you will see some photos from our Poetry Cafe and our after party.

Later in the week Mrs. Garrabrant and I presented the students with their very own "book of poetry."  They were all so excited to share poems with their friends.  Later, on Friday, we shared them again with our preschool reading buddies.  

In addition to poetry, we continued working on our playground map.  We decided to use Google Earth to see what our playground looks like from a "birds eye view."  What an amazing resource!  We are able to now see the shape and outline of where everything belongs on our playground.  Here is the progress we made this week.  

Students working on the grass area for the garden. 

Students adding grass. 

These two photos show students adding bushes and trees!

Below you can see the start to our key.

The students labeled their work.

Two barn/sheds located on our playground.

A view of our board thus far.  

In addition to everything else, the students have been asking about what we are going to plant.  We talked about one of the nice features of our garden is that we get to plan for  next years kindergartners.  The children decided they wanted to plant a "salad" for the children next year.  We planted lettuce, carrots, onions, and peppers.  A couple weeks ago when we were weeding the garden, we found some potatoes that were not harvested last year.  They had already started growing roots so we replanted them.  Therefore, we are growing potatoes too!

Here are some of the potatoes we found last week.

The potato plants are beginning to grow.  

We wrote labels on paint sticks so we know what is growing where.

Students working together as a team to complete a hard task!

Lastly, this week we presented Miss Kristen with "Asset builder of the Month."

It was a beautiful weekend and I hope everyone was able to enjoy the weather.  
Have an amazing week!
Mrs. Julie Atkin

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