
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Taking an Interest in Reptiles!

This week we were very busy!   First, we have been working on creating our alphabet/word wall.  I will blog shortly with more information about our process of making our alphabet/word wall.  We have also continued to work very hard on learning about our 29 kindergarten friends by them sharing their treasure blocks.  Many of the students have begun using the letter sounds to label words and many have begun using sight words they have learned to write simple sentences.

While we have been learning about our 29 friends, we (as a class) have began to notice our love for animals.  Our students have a strong love for ocean animals (especially sharks), wild animals (especially elephants, giraffes, and large cats), domestic animals (house cats and dogs), and lastly reptiles.  In fact a couple weeks ago, the students engaged in some in-depth conversations about the kind of animals we should get for a classroom pet.  Ideas included elephants, giraffes, and lion's, but snakes (king cobra's and python's) were at the top of their list.  I don't mind looking at snakes, but I'm not sure how I feel about having one as a class pet.   It's so interesting how every group of students are so different in their imaginations.  Two years ago my students were crazy for space, last year they were fascinated by transportation, and this year it might just be all about animals!

Sometimes timing is just perfect.  This week one of the kindergarten teachers was surprised one morning to see a young garter snake sitting on a chair in her classroom.
Mrs. Hoppel, thanks for the photograph!

The snake ended up in the hands of two of our preschool teachers where they put it in a small container and poked some holes at the top.  These teacher know I love science and know most of our class LOVES animals so they brought it over for a visit.

Later in the week, this same teachers brought a baby snapping turtle, as well as the same snake to visit again.  I have never observed students have such an intense interest in animals!   They studied the shape of the snake and turtle, they way the snakes tongue kept sticking out, the way they slithered and crawled, and how they adjusted to their habitats.  We did not handle these reptiles, but I'm sure we have several students that would have done it in a heartbeat.  

This coming week is busy with the book fair,  "The Magic of Books" literacy night,  and the homecoming parade.  We hope to see you participate in our upcoming community activities.  We also have an out of school scavenger hunt at Cox Aurboretum coming up at the end of October.  
Be on the look out for more information.

Mrs. Julie Atkin

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