
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Color Investigations (graphing, documentation, mixing) and Dr. Clifford

Along with learning the color songs red, blue, and purple, this week we continued to talk about shades of color.  I went to my local Home Deport to ask if they would be willing to donate some paint samples for my classroom.  Of course they said "yes", and thankfully they let me have enough to do several activities.  We first looked at how there are so many different shades of colors.  We had several girls wearing pink stand up to look at how some were dark and some were very light.  We looked at some of the paint chips to find that there were very dark colors and very light colors.  We also noticed that it was hard to decided between some colors.  Some of us thought certain colors belonged one place where others thought it should belong somewhere else!

The paint chips were then sorted by color put on separate tables.  The students were to stand by their favorite color and look for the shade they liked best.

They cut a small sample of their favorite shade to document.

We then graphed our favorite color.

 It turns out that we have more students that like the color blue than any other color. 


As we have been learning how to spell the words "red, blue, & purple" we decided we needed to document them in our classroom.  We used the rest of our paint chips, cut them in small pieces and made a color collage with all the different shades.  

                                                                             COLOR MIXING
We did an experiment Friday!  The children were all very excited for this experimented and waited patiently all day.  I bought two large tubs of vanilla yogurt and brought them to school.  I communicated that since we learned how to spell the words "blue" and "red" that we should make blue and red yogurt.  Once I mixed in some food coloring I expressed my sadness that I couldn't have purple yogurt because there was only blue, red, yellow, and green food coloring.  A couple friends piped up telling me all I needed to do was mix the colors together.  I pulled up a short video from Ythe internet and watched a painter mix two colors of paint to make a new color.  If you would like to watch the video, click on the the link below. 

 The red yogurt looks a little pink but we got the idea!

The students thought they should all try and I agreed. 
While practicing, listening, and following directions, each child got their own pallet of"paint", which was really yogurt. 

They began to mix like an artist...

...and their yogurt began to turn purple!

Next week we will continue learning a few new color songs, and learn to mix a couple new colors.  Stay tuned for our upcoming experiments!

On a side note, our superintendent Dr. Clifford dropped by Friday for a visit.  We talked about our mascot the Pirate and our school colors Red and Black.  Together we sang "We Are The Pirates" and at the end we finished it with a big ARRRRGGG!!!!

Have an amazing weekend and take care!
Mrs. Atkin

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