
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dayton Philharmonic Trio

Friday we were pleasantly surprised to have a trio from the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra visit our school.  They demonstrated that music is made by vibrations.  The students were very excited to learn that you can't just blow into a trumpet, you must "buzz" your lips to create the vibration needed in order to create notes and sound.

The students were also surprised to hear that the strings on the double basses bow are actually hairs from a horse.

The percussion player was a hit because he played several instruments including the drum set.

The trio taught us that music can sound like many things.  We all pretended we were at the circus and watching the Elephants, horses, clowns and the daring stunt man climb the steps and take a leap.  Here is a video from their performance. 

As you can tell by the following photos, the students thoroughly enjoyed watching and listening to the musicians.

Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Julie Atkin

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