
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Friction, Kandinsky & Friendships

 In continuing our transportation study, we have been taking a closer look at the characteristics of force and motion.  This week the word “friction” came up.  We read several books about friction, and learned that friction is what keeps our feet from slipping out from underneath us.  Students made connections by rubbing their shoes on our classroom carpet as well as remembering what it feels like to slip on ice.  Students also experienced friction by rubbing their hands back and forth quickly with a little force.  The warmth they felt on their hands was created by the friction of rubbing their hands back and forth.  

Later in the week we explored the amount of friction that was created between several objects when laid on an inclined ramp.  We tested four objects: an eraser, a slice of wood, a tree nut, and an ice cube.  We used a piece of cardboard that had a rough side, and a smooth side.  We explored both sides of the card board.  We noticed that the eraser and the cardboard created the most friction.  We then of course documented our observations in our exploration journal.  

This week we celebrated our artistic sills in creating a collaborative piece of art for our art room.  The students wanted to invite Dr. Clifford (West Carrollton Schools Superintendent), and Mrs. Hall-Alt (school principal) to the dedication of our Kandinsky inspired art.  Mrs. Pinto chose the artist Kandinsky for the students to study because he enjoyed painting concentric circles.  He also liked that non of the circles were perfect.  Kandinsky is the perfect artist for students to be inspired by in knowing art is never "perfect." I like my students to know they can be an artist, scientist, mathematician, writer, reader, engineer etc...even in kindergarten.  The students were thrilled to see their work on the art wall and were excited to know that kindergartner's will see their creations year after year!

On the table below, you can see the students made Kandinsky inspired flowers as table settings.  We also had died icing and sugar cookies for the students to create their own Kandinsky inspired cookies.  There is always some kind of snack at all art dedications!

 Dr. Clifford visited and was extremely proud of the students creative asset building.  

All the students then received a certificate to honor the students 
collaboration of this Kandinsky inspired art instillation.  

To finish up, each student used oil pastel on black construction paper to 
create another Kandinsky inspired piece of work.  

This week we also celebrated friendships.  The students enjoyed bringing in "mailboxes or mailbags" as well as passing out valentines to their friends.  Thank you for sending in the yummy and healthy snacks.  The children sincerely enjoyed them all!

Stayed tuned to see more of our transportation investigations as well as our creation of our teepee.  Mrs. Garrabrant was able to have a family member find enough straight logs for us to complete our teepee.  The students will be so excited!  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and I'm sure the children will enjoy their three day weekend.  Take care and have a fantastic week.  
Mrs. Julie Atkin

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