
Sunday, May 19, 2013


It was another very busy week in kindergarten. This week the students completed the map of our playground. They added details such as: the logs in the discovery garden, the bike track and the Hop Scotch board. They worked hard completing the key and adding the numbers
that correlates to the label on the key.

In addition, we spent some time looking at compasses. We looked at the compass on Google Earth as well as the compass app on our iPhones. We went outside and sketched the compass with the appropriate direction. The children were thrilled to learn the fun ways to remember direction. "Never east sour worms!" 

In Mrs. Pinto's art classroom the students began creating a mode of transportation out of recycled materials. The students brought their projects back to our classroom and continued working on them throughout the week. Take a look at some of their creations thus far. 


The students chose the mode of transportation of which they would like to become "experts". The chose the space shuttle. We found this very interesting because there wasn't even a full size space shuttle, just a model and small exhibit.  In addition, we checked out a few books from our library trip. We are excited to see how they would like to document and share their learning.

Speaking of the library, the children loved our trip. They each brought home a summer reading club brochure to work with this summer.

We will continue their recycled materials project as well as our quick look at space shuttles throughout this upcoming week. You can see their final products at our upcoming open house.

Our upcoming open house is May 30th from 8:15-9:00am. Please stop by so your child can share their learning with you. They will have their playground map, non fiction writing, sculptures, and more to share with you. We know the students truly enjoy sharing their learning with you.

Have an amazing week!
Mrs. Julie Atkin

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