
Monday, September 9, 2013

Procedures and Open House

The first couple of weeks are all about procedures.  Although one wouldn't think there is much to learn about kindergarten, but in fact it is very structured. There are many things for the children to remember, and after enough  practice they will all do great!  Some of the hardest procedures for the students to remember include: morning procedures, hallway behavior, lunchroom procedures, playground procedures and dismissal.  

The students are now learning the procedures for hanging up their book bags, giving us important notes and lunch money, making their lunch choice, 
and choosing and disposing their breakfast items.

In the picture below, you can see that students choose their name and move it to the correct section; hot lunch, PB&J, packed lunch.

Walking in the hallway is always a difficult procedure for the students to learn.  Because there are so many classrooms in our school we have to make sure we respect them by being quiet, calm, and collected in the hallway.  

In the photo below you can see Ashton and Katie showing how they put a "bubble" in their mouths to remind them to stay quiet and calm in the hallways.  

The lunchroom is a very busy place with a lot of procedures.  The students that did not pack their lunch all go through the lunch line.  They learned to pick their milk choice, get a pack of utensils, take their lunch tray,  choose three side items, tell the cashier their name, and walk to our class table. 

We have also been working on playground procedures.  Students have learned what to listen for when they need to line up, and where to line up.  In addition, the students have learned how to use the playground and garden appropriately.   

Lastly, we have been practicing the dismissal process.  At the end of the day, the car riders walk to the gym while the bus riders pack up their book bags.  Then we take the bus riders to their buses and ensure all the children get home on their correct buses! 

Open house was also this week! Each family made a strand of peace beads together to help make our classroom a more peaceful place.  
We are still working on hanging them and I promise that I will post a photo once it's completed.   

Thank you for joining us at open house!

 These are all of our completed peace beads.  
The students can't wait to see them hanging in our classroom. 

I hope everyone has an amazing week.  
Mrs. Julie Atkin

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