
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ohio's Wild Animals

Although it was a two day school week, we were still able to get a lot accomplished.  We worked together to generate a list of questions we had about Ohio's wild animals.  Many of the students wanted to learn about animals habitats, the types of food they eat, and how they prepare themselves for winter.  
Last week we made a list of some of the "Wild Animals of Ohio."
 This week, the students voted to select 4 Ohio wild animals of which they would like to study.  It took some time to vote but we were finally able to narrow it down.  To our surprise the students chose: coyotes, skunks, squirrels, and birds.  Then later in the day all the students chose which animal they would like to personally study.  We made sign-up sheets for the students.  Now we have  4 complete groups of "zoologist" students that will each study their own animal.  
Each zoologist group will be responsible for coming up with their research topic for each animal; how they are going to document their learning; and how they are going to present their learning.  
 We also talked about the words "study" and "research."  We made a list of many different ways that we can learn more information about a specific topic.  
Here is the list we came up with.
This coming week we are going to be taking a trip to Harry Russell's Woods.  We will be exploring the woods to look for animal habitats, animal tracks, and other traces of wildlife.  Students will also begin using our "I Wonder" time to make a plan, and to begin researching their animals.  We look forward to sharing our information with all of you at our "Ohio's Wild Animal's Museum" open House."  You will get more information about this in upcoming emails and letters!
Have a fantastic week and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Mrs. Julie Atkin 

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