
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Study!

As we finished our study on colors, the students had been noticing the beautiful leaves on the ground.  The ground has been full of leaves and the students have enjoyed throwing them in the air and even making "leaf angels".

Since the students began noticing the changes that come with fall we decided it would be great to use our outdoor "Discovery Garden" to sketch one of the beautiful trees on our playground.  I modeled sketching a beautiful tree, adding details of bare branches, different colored leaves, colors of the bark and much more. 

Each child had a clip board, and the students split up into groups to share colored pencils. 

They studied every aspect of the trees before sketching.

We look forward to taking a walk this week to collect different colored leaves to graph and use as classroom decorations.  We also look forward to looking at the signs of Fall at Tuken's Farm and Market this Friday. 

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